
What can I do for you?

Photos are not just memories. They allow you to relive moments from all different perspecitves. Hire a photographer and you will see things from a whole new angle.

Activism/Protest Photography

Are you planning an action, protest, march, demonstration, or any other kind of activist activity? Don't forget to bring a photographer for a heavily reduced rate and sometimes for free depending on the organization.

Price to be decided together.

Event Photograpy

Planning an event? Capturing the moment is often overlooked, but very valuable. Dance, debate, filmscreening, or anything really, give me a call.

My Rates

Sustainable Tavel Photography

Nothing like seeing new places and meeting new people. Sadly much of travel today is destroying the things we are going to see. Are you a company working in sustainable travel? Hire me to document the whole journey and show people the beauty and comfort of sustainable travel.

Rates upon request

Prints for Sale

Some of my personal favorite photos are available for purchase.

Keep an eye on this collection, Every month there is a new selection of photos!

To the shop